Aerial photography
Raydrone, LLC was created to provide aerial photography and videography to clients located within the State of Florida.
Our President, Founder and Drone Operator retired from a successful career as a Civil Engineer and has expert knowledge of real estate, land development and construction. Upon retiring he decided to become an FAA Certified Pilot and provide drone services to clients in the State of Florida.

Raydrone, LLC uses only FAA Certified small UAV pilots to fly our drones and all our drones are FAA Registered UAV’s and Insured. Raydrone, LLC is proactive in being up to date on current FAA regulations and restrictions regarding drone operations. Drone pilots can be fined significant amounts by the FAA for flying without required certifications and registrations.
Drone pilots without proper certifications and registrations are in violation of FAA policies. You can be certain that Raydrone, LLC will always fly within all FAA certifications, regulations and FAA authorized flight clearances if within restricted areas